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The Media Support Foundation Center celebrates GAPMIL Week with partners


Global Media and Information Literacy Week (MIL) is the most important annual event that discusses and summarizes the achieved results in increasing and promoting media literacy of everyone under the slogan “MIL for everyone”.

From 24th to 31st October 2020, the eighth global celebration of Global Media and Information Literacy Week will take place under the theme “Resisting Disinfodemic: Media and Information Literacy for everyone, and by everyone”. The topic is devoted to how to counteract disinformation, improve the ability of each person to receive information and use technology. This year it is hosted by the Republic of Korea. UNESCO invited everyone, including organizations and initiatives throughout the world to organize online and offline events.

This year will differ from the previous ones because due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most events will be online. Despite this and other global issues, we believe that it is an important and useful event for all people. As promotion of media and information literacy, smart consumption of information and critical thinking is the main goal of the Media Support Center Foundation, we will also celebrate the Global MIL Week with our partners.

Beside presenting the results of media monitoring of social pages and other online resources, we will demonstrate the QLEVER game platform that was developed within the framework of the project “Building Resistance in Youth in Central Asia to the influence of illegal hate speech and misinformation online and on social media” (BRYCA project). There are a number of events that are making contribution to the promotion of MIL.


Calendar of events:

17th of August 2020 – 9th of October 2020

Webinars “I am media literate” in partnership with the DW Akademie


Accessible here:



10th of July – 31st of October 2020

Launching video lessons and organizing the MIL intensive online course for teachers in partnership with the Soros Foundation in Kyrgyzstan


Accessible here:



10th of July – 31st of October 2020

Training teachers to MIL skills. Making video lessons on Man and Society for 6-7-9-10-11th graders with MIL components and broadcast of lessons on the national TV in partnerships with the Democracy Commission of the US Embassy in the KR


Accessible here: https://oku.edu.gov.kg/ru/school/?_sft_post_tag=chelovek-i-obshhestvo


20th of September 2020 – 25th of October 2020

Two contests for teachers and students of Kyrgyzstan – “The best Media Corner” and “The best Video Lesson with MIL components” in partnership with the DW Akademie


Accessible here: https://mediasabak.org/ru/news/163/, https://mediasabak.org/ru/news/164/


28th of October 2020

“2020 Media Monitoring in Central Asia: infodemia but not only” - BRYCA


2 pm Kyrgyzstan time

Accessible here: https://www.facebook.com/BRYCACentralAsia


29th October 2020

 “Time to play Qlever: playing to learn debunking fake news and misinformation” - BRYCA


2 pm Kyrgyzstan time

Accessible here: https://www.facebook.com/BRYCACentralAsia


5th of November 2020

Forum of the best media corners and video lessons with MIL components

Osh city, Kyrgyzstan

9 pm Kyrgyzstan time

Accessible here: https://mediasabak.org/ru/events/10/