Media-savodli bo'ling!


Opening of Media Station 2022 educational camp for madrasah students!


Yesterday, September 10, 2022, the opening of the Media Station educational camp for madrasah students took place! 50 participants gathered in Issyk-Kul to learn critical thinking, the correct use of Internet resources and the basics of media literacy during the week.


Director of the Media Sabak Foundation, Aichurek Usupbaeva, delivered a welcoming speech at the opening. She noted that this is a pilot project for the organization, which will bring new experience. The idea of ​​holding a camp for students of the madrasah appeared with an acquaintance with Jamal Frontbek kyzy, the head of the Mutakalim public organization. Extensive experience in organizing and holding various events made it possible to accept this challenge.


The opening was also attended by a representative of the State Commission for Religious Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, Gulzat Isaeva, and the head of the fatwa department of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of Kyrgyzstan, Ravshan ajy Eratov.


“This is a great opportunity for you. You only have 7 days, so make the most of it. Media plays a big role in the modern world. Absorb all the knowledge that the trainers are giving you. Learn to use a camera, make a blog, improve and expand your horizons,” Ravshan ajy Eratov guidedthe camp participants.


It should be noted that during the week the participants will work in the Multimedia and and Online Media studios. The camp trainers are BBC journalist, Rufat Ergeshov, representative of the Foundation in the southern region, Tynchtykbek Dosmuratov, trainer and psychologist, Cholpon Bekbolotova, representative of Capital KG, Ruslan Kubanychbek uulu, project specialists Urmat Kanybekov, Kanykei Kenensarieva, Kunduz Zhekshen kyzy and Shirin Amanbekova.


Previously, the Media Station educational camp was held for high school students from all regions of Kyrgyzstan. For information, the camp has been held in Issyk-Kul since 2017 free of charge. Graduates received not only theoretical knowledge, but also learned how to create interesting media products. Many of them have implemented mini-projects and conducted trainings in their communities.


The camp is organized by the Media Sabak Public Foundation in cooperation with the State Commission for Religious Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kyrgyzstan with the support of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany and DW Akademie Europe and Central Asia.